Public speaking in Swedish - training for refugees
S: t Lukas is an organisation offering psychotherapy, coaching and courses; to both individuals & companies. Their ideology is based on supporting people to develop and understand others and themselves. They work across all of Sweden and focus on openness, respect and creating unique meetings. In 2015/2016, when many refugees came from mainly Syria due to the war, S.t Lukas ran a series of lectures open to the public. The lectures focused on the lives of the refugees in Swedish society and the key thing was to let the refugees themselves speak about their experiences, in Swedish.
S: t Lukas approached Folkuniversitetet and asked if they had any participants willing to talk about their experiences. In my Swedish group of academics, in the ‘Korta vägen’ program, there was one bank manager from Syria and an Iraqi physician who both agreed to do the lectures. If I would help them prepare they agreed do the lecture in Swedish. During six months, we met after class and talked through strategies, going through what they wanted to say, how to say it and then practising it. One has to realize, that doing this, on stage and in Swedish on a subject so highly personal, was an enormous task. They did so well though, and the message got through to the audience. The main point was that every story is personal, and that they are separate individuals with their own stories & backgrounds.

Project in collaboration with
Folkuniversitet, Sankt Lukas Foundation, Kristianstad

How to build bridges between different nationalities
Folkuniversitetet is an adult educational association that offers a wide range of adult education all over Sweden. Folkuniversitetet is an association of five foundations: the extra-mural departments attached to the Universities of Stockholm, Uppsala, Göteborg, Lund and Umeå. Folkuniversitetet runs numerous internationally oriented activities such as language courses, courses abroad and projects with an international emphasis. Komvux (short for kommunal vuxenutbildning, literally “municipal adult education”) is a form of secondary education for adults in Sweden. The government of Sweden allocates funds to the municipalities for this type of education.
At Folkuniversitetet Komvux in Stockholm/Södertälje, students of many different backgrounds were enrolled in the courses given there. Part of my job was to teach Swedish as a foreign language at levels SVA 1, 2 & 3. However, I also got involved in workshops helping different groups understand each other’s differences, see similarities and promote mutual respect for one another. We opened up for discussions and had different activities, such as food tasting, to create an interest between everyone.
Project in collaboration with
Folkuniversitet Komvux Stockholm/Södertälje

Intercultural communication
Intercultural communication requires an understanding that different cultures have different customs, standards, social ways, and even thought patterns. Good intercultural communication skills require a willingness to accept these differences, to adapt and/or bridge over them. Language skills may be an important part of good intercultural communication skills, but it is not all. However, knowing a language can give a deeper understanding of the society and culture in which it is used. Languages never function independently but always reflect the society in which it is used.
From a very early age, I was always interested in different cultures, peoples & languages and curious about learning more. I have always brought this with me, in my work and in my personal life, always wanting to understand more & trying to bridge over any potential gap. I bring this with me where ever I go and whomever I meet, because it is part of my DNA and core being, always present.

Project in collaboration with
Private clients